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Project Name

Understanding the Impact of Microplastics on the Environment

by Sofia Fernandez

materials science


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Project Summary

This research project investigates the impact of microplastics on aquatic ecosystems, using field sampling and laboratory experiments. Over three years, the study will analyze microplastic distribution, their effects on aquatic organisms' health and behavior, and ecosystem services. The research's potential applications include informing policies to reduce microplastic pollution and increasing public awareness of their environmental impact. This study aims to provide insights into mitigating the negative effects of microplastics on the environment.

About the Project

Impact Map

  • SUS: Sustainability
  • GH: Global Health
  • SOC: Social Science
  • DIG: Digital Technology
  • MAN: Manufacturing
  • TRA: Transportation

This research project aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the impact of microplastics on the environment. Microplastics are small plastic particles that are less than 5 millimeters in size and can come from a variety of sources, including the breakdown of larger plastic debris and microbeads in personal care products. The widespread presence of microplastics in the environment has raised concerns about their potential impact on ecosystems and human health.

The project will involve a thorough review of existing literature on microplastics and their environmental impact. The research will also include field sampling and laboratory analysis to quantify the abundance and distribution of microplastics in various environmental matrices, including water, soil, and air. Furthermore, the project will investigate the potential pathways of microplastics into the food chain and assess the potential harm to organisms at different trophic levels.

Milestones for the project include the completion of the literature review, field sampling and laboratory analysis, and data analysis. The project will culminate in the publication of peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals and the dissemination of findings to policymakers, environmental organizations, and the public.

The potential applications of this research are numerous. Understanding the impact of microplastics on the environment can inform the development of effective policies and regulations to minimize their release into the environment. The research findings can also guide the development of innovative technologies for the removal and management of microplastics. Furthermore, the project will increase public awareness of the issue and encourage individual actions to reduce plastic waste and pollution.

Researcher Bio

Picture of Sofia Fernandez

name Sofia Fernandez

degree PhD in Zoology

affiliation Great Barrier Reef Marine Research Institute


Dr. Sofia Fernandez focuses on understanding the behavior, ecology, and conservation of primates, particularly in South America. Dr. Fernandez has conducted extensive fieldwork in several countries and has authored several publications in high-impact journals. She is dedicated to using her research to inform conservation efforts and improve the welfare of wild primates. Dr. Fernandez is also passionate about science communication and promoting public understanding of the importance of biodiversity conservation.

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