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Project Name

Plant-Based Meat Flavor Optimization

by Jackson Chang

food science


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Project Summary

This research project aims to optimize the flavor profile of plant-based meat products using sensory evaluation, chemical analysis, and consumer preference tests. The goal is to enhance consumer acceptance and satisfaction of plant-based meat, which can lead to wider adoption and market growth. The project will provide insights into the key flavor components of plant-based meat and contribute to a more sustainable food system. The potential applications include informing future product development and optimization.

About the Project

Impact Map

  • SUS: Sustainability
  • GH: Global Health
  • SOC: Social Science
  • DIG: Digital Technology
  • MAN: Manufacturing
  • TRA: Transportation

This research project aims to optimize the flavor profile of plant-based meat products to enhance consumer acceptance and satisfaction. Plant-based meat is an emerging market, and its flavor has been a major limiting factor for widespread adoption. Therefore, this project focuses on using sensory evaluation, chemical analysis, and consumer preference tests to identify the key flavor components of plant-based meat and optimize them.

In the first phase, we will conduct a sensory evaluation of different plant-based meat products and analyze the volatile compounds that contribute to their flavor. We will use gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to identify the flavor compounds and their relative concentrations in different plant-based meats. In the second phase, we will use the results from the sensory and chemical analysis to optimize the flavor of plant-based meats. We will use response surface methodology (RSM) to develop the optimal flavor blend for different types of plant-based meat.

Finally, we will conduct consumer preference tests to evaluate the optimized plant-based meat products. We will measure the degree of liking, acceptance, and purchase intent of different plant-based meat products in comparison to conventional meat. These tests will be conducted in a simulated restaurant setting to ensure ecological validity.

The potential applications of this research project are significant. Firstly, it can enhance the overall consumer acceptance and satisfaction of plant-based meat products, which can lead to wider adoption and market growth. Secondly, it can provide insights into the key flavor components of plant-based meat, which can inform future product development and optimization. Lastly, this research project can contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly food system by promoting plant-based protein sources as an alternative to conventional meat.

Researcher Bio

Picture of Jackson Chang

name Jackson Chang

degree Masters in Food Science and Technology

affiliation Baltic Research Foundation


Jackson Chang is a skilled researcher with a passion for food and nutrition that has driven his research in areas such as food safety, preservation, and product development. Jackson has extensive experience in designing and implementing experiments, analyzing data, and communicating research findings to diverse audiences. He is dedicated to improving the quality and safety of our food supply, and has worked with industry leaders to develop innovative food products that meet consumer demands. Jackson is a driven and passionate researcher who is committed to advancing our understanding of food science and its impact on human health.

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